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Grace Feltoe

The Launching of State of Grace

It is with great honour and yet true humility that I have had the opportunity to build this new blog ‘State of Grace’ and the wider website of the Musica Sacra Project. I wish to firstly stress that I am so incredibly grateful for each person who is taking the time to read and spend time on any of these pages.

The State of Grace blog is launching as what is to be a very small corner of a greater project. While Gloria Dei – the Musica Sacra Project is a place of objectivity, learning, information and resources all largely accredited to others’ inspired and tedious work, State of Grace will be here for me to personally share thoughts, information and awareness on faith, morals, arts, and of course music within the Catholic Church that I feel the Lord is calling me to highlight.

While I do not consider myself a theologian in any way, as a musician working for the Church and in ministry, I have learnt how vitally important it is to work on one’s faith life in every aspect to better love in one’s ministry and relationship with Christ.

Christ in His ministry never did great things without spending time focusing on His interior life – His time in prayer fueled his public work. Much have I seen this occurrence needed of myself, and therefore has led me to thoughts well beyond the liturgy and music. This, with my love for putting my thoughts on paper to have clarity, led me to think this blog a healthy endeavor for myself, which I hope may interest others.

I pray this can be a place of inspiration and food for thought for some, while I always be open to correction and the opinions of others.

Why I was inspired and felt called to build this resource website and blog, I am yet to see fully, but I hope and am grateful for whomever joins me on the journey.

God bless.



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Fabulously inspiring. The voice and face of an Angel. Blessing to you and your family. Marie Perth. WA

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Salve Regina (Solemn Tone)Grace Feltoe
00:00 / 03:04
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