"Great importance is to be attached to the teaching and practice of music in seminaries, in the novitiates and houses of study of religious of both sexes, and also in other Catholic institutions and schools. To impart this instruction, teachers are to be carefully trained and put in charge of the teaching of sacred music."
Sacrosanctum Concilium No. 115
Church Documents
By Chronology
Post-synodal Apostolic exhortation. To the bishops, clergy, consecrated persons and the lay faithful on the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Church's life and mission. No 38-42.
Pope Benedict XVI. February 22, 2007.
Document issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. November 14, 2007.
Issued by Pope John Paul II. November 22, 2003.
Issued by Pope Saint John Paul II. December 4, 2003
On the 4th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. (Liturgy)
Issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship. February 20, 1988
Instruction on Music in the Liturgy. Issued by the Sacred Congregation of Rites with the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. March 5, 1967. (Supersedes Musicae Sacrae)
From the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy,
The Second Ecumenical Sacred Council of the Vatican.
Promulgated by Pope Paul VI. Decemeber 4, 1963
Instruction on Sacred Music and Sacred Liturgy.
Sacred Congregation for Rites - September 3, 1958
And instruction based of the documentation:
- Motu Proprio, Tra le Sollecitudini, of St. Pius X, November 22, 1903
- Divini cultus, the Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XI of happy memory, December 20, 1928
- Musicae sacrae disciplina. Encyclical of the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII, happily reigning, December 25, 1955
Encyclical. Promulgated by Pope Pius XII.
December 25, 1955.
Mediator Dei
Encyclical of Pius XII. November 20, 1947
Issued by Pope Pius XI. December 20, 1928
Motu proprio. Instruction on Sacred Music. Promulgated by Pope Pius X. November 22, 1903.
'On the upkeep and cleanliness of Churches;
on the rationale of the Divine Offices and the Music of the Church, on the occasion of the upcoming Holy Year.'
Encyclical Letter of Benedict XIV. February 19, 1749
(Translated to English)
Codex written for the Abbey of St Gallen, Switzerland.
12th Century.
Document includes English translation.
(Liturgy) Timothy P. O'Malley. 2017
Cardinal Robert Sarah, Nicolas Diat. 2017
(Liturgy) Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, 2011
(Liturgy and Prayer) Paul F. Bradshaw. 2008
(Liturgy) Msgr. Peter. J. Elliott. 2002
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. 2000
Paul Westermeyer. 1998
(Liturgy) Msgr. Peter. J. Elliott. 1995
Romano Guardini. 1935
Richard R. Terry. 1907
EWTN. 2024
The Gregorian Chant Academy. 2023
Br Elias Guadalupe Ford, O.P. Youtube. 21st September, 2020
Br Elias Guadalupe Ford, O.P. Youtube. 13th September, 2020
Fr James Moore, O.P. Youtube. 6th September, 2020
Fr James Moore, O.P. Youtube. 30th August, 2020.
Fr Brad Elliott, O.P. Youtube. 23rd August, 2020
Youtube. 2020
Youtube. 2018
Youtube. 2017
The Most Rev. Carl A. Kemme,
Bishop of Wichita, Kansas, September, 2023
Pastoral Letter on sacred music to the Diocese of Whichita.
Fr James Junípero Moore, O.P., July 2023
Notes of the 7 talks presented to the participants of the Extraordinary Music Workshop - the Dominican Liturgical Centre, Krakow, Poland.
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., August 2022
Lecture for Extraordinary Music Workshop - Krakow, Poland
Part 1 of 5 lectures provided to the international attendees of the Extraordinary Music Workshop at the Dominican Liturgical Centre, Krakow, Poland.
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., August 2022
Lecture for Extraordinary Music Workshop - Krakow, Poland
Part 2 of 5 lectures provided to the international attendees of the Extraordinary Music Workshop at the Dominican Liturgical Centre, Krakow, Poland.
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., August 2022
Lecture for Extraordinary Music Workshop - Krakow, Poland
Part 3 of 5 lectures provided to the international attendees of the Extraordinary Music Workshop at the Dominican Liturgical Centre, Krakow, Poland.
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., August 2022
Lecture for Extraordinary Music Workshop - Krakow, Poland
Part 4 of 5 lectures provided to the international attendees of the Extraordinary Music Workshop at the Dominican Liturgical Centre, Krakow, Poland.
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., August 2022
Lecture for Extraordinary Music Workshop - Krakow, Poland
Part 5 of 5 lectures provided to the international attendees of the Extraordinary Music Workshop at the Dominican Liturgical Centre, Krakow, Poland.
Dominic Cunliffe. 2018.
A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Divinity (Ecclesial Services).
Maryvale Institute -Higher Institute of Religious Sciences -
affiliated to the Ecclesiastical Theology Faculty Notre Dame de Paris.
Excerpt from The Confessions of St Augustine.
Website credit to Todd Tarantino
The promotion of sacred music and liturgical music, in particular the complete Gregorian chant recorded by the Schola Bellarmina. (français)
The website of Peter Kwasniewski.
On going musical schedule for the liturgies of Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.
The Roman Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral of the Most Precious Blood. Diocese of Westminster - London, UK
The Church of the Immaculate Conception (The Brompton Oratory). Diocese of Westminster - London, UK
Download weekly Sunday leaflet for ideas music and for providing congregations with music and text to spiritually educate and promote active participation.
Providing music, products, musings and liturgical planning.
Blogs, Articles and Sacred Music Resource Website (USA)
St Micahael's Abbey, USA.
Educational videos on Sacred Music, Faith and Liturgy
A society of Catholic musicians and supporters who have a special interest in music and liturgy.
Not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the renewal of sacred liturgical music.
For the revitilisation of sacred music in America. Hosting concerts, workshops, a podcast, and directing Masses.
The Catholic Sacred Music Project provides spiritual and musical formation for Catholic musicians in order to effect a widespread renewal of sacred music in the Church. Hosting festivals and institutes.
Les Éditions de Solesmes
From the Abbeye Saint-Pierre Solesmes. Webpage providing musicology books in the history and learning of Gregorian chant.