"Special efforts are to be made to restore the use of the Gregorian Chant by the people, so that the faithful may again take a more active part in the ecclesiastical offices, as was the case in ancient times...
Classic Polyphony agrees admirably with Gregorian Chant, the supreme model of all sacred music, and hence it has been found worthy of a place side by side with Gregorian Chant..."
Tra Le Sollecitudini No. 3
Chant and Music
Gregorian Chant
Marian Antiphon Booklet (Free)
Typesetting by ICKSP. PDF credit to Sacred Heart Parish, Highgate, Perth, Australia.
Chant Books
Lés Éditions des Solesmes - Abbeye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes.
Latin Chants for the Ordinary of the Mass & Chants for other occasions.
Lés Éditions des Solesmes - Abbeye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes.
An essential tool for the study of the interpretation of the Gregorian repertoire of the mass.
Graduale Romanum
Lés Éditions des Solesmes - Abbeye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes.
All the pieces of Gregorian chant from the mass according to the ordinary form of the Roman rite.
The Proper of the Mass - For Sundays and Solemnities
Chants for the Roman Missal in English. Ignatius Press.
Graduale Romanum - Modern Notation
1909 Schwann Edition. Uploaded by C.C. Watershed
Reflections on the Spirituality of Gregorian Chant
by Dom Jacques Hourlier
Chant Essentials
(Marked with * are found in the Liber Cantualis)
Missa I - Lux et Origo
Missa II - Kyrie fons bonitatis
First class feasts. Festi Solemnibus 1.
Missa IV - Cunctipotens Genitor Deus *
Second class feasts. Festi Duplicibus 1.
Missa V - Kyrie Magnus Deus potentiae
Second class feasts. Festi Duplicibus 2.
Missa VI - Kyrie Rex Genitor
Second class feasts. Festi Duplicibus 3.
Missa VII - Kyrie Rex splendens
Second class feasts. Festi Duplicibus 4.
Missa VIII - De Angelis *
Second class feasts. Festi Duplicibus 5.
Missa IX - Cum jubilo *
First class feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Festis Mariae Virginis 1.
Missa X - Alme Pater
Other feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Festis Mariae Virginis 2.
Missa XI - Orbis Factor *
Second class Sundays during the year. In Dominicis infra anum.
Missa XIII - Stelliferi Conditor orbis
Third class feasts. In festis semiduplicibus 2.
Missa XIV - Jesu Redemptor
Infra Octavas quae non sunt in B. Maria Virgine. During Octaves no about the Virgin Mary.
Missa XV - Dominator Deus
In commemorationibus et in festis temporis natalicii. Commemorative, and for feasts of the Christmas season
Missa XVI - Missa per Feriis per annum
Weekday feasts in ordinary time.
Missa XVII - In Dominicis Adventus et Quadragesimae*
For Sundays of Advent and Lent
PDF Music - credit to C.C. Watershed
Listen on Youtube: Kyrie Gloria Sanctus Angus Dei
Missa XVIII - Deus Genitor Alme
IMissa XVIII (Deus Genitor alme)
In Feriis adventus et Quadragesimae, In Vigiliis, Feriis quatuor Temporum et in Missa Rogationum. Weekdays of Advent and Lent, On Vigils and Ember Days.
PDF Music - credit to C.C. Watershed
Listen on Youtube: Kyrie Gloria Sanctus Angus Dei